Compliance and Consultation

Compliance and Consultation

At Unity Customs Brokers, we are committed to providing exceptional compliance solutions for businesses engaged in international. As one of the leading international consulting firms, we bring extensive expertise and a deep understanding of the complex regulatory landscape.

Navigating compliance can be challenging, but with our comprehensive consulting services, you can confidently overcome these hurdles. Our team of experienced professionals stays up-to-date with the latest regulations and offers strategic guidance to ensure your business operates within the boundaries of international trade laws.

Advanced Ruling

Rulings involve a formal decision made by customs authorities on the classification, origin, or value of goods before they are imported. By leveraging our Advanced Rulings service, businesses gain:
1. Predictability: Understanding in advance how your goods will be classified and valued for customs purposes can provide a stable environment for business planning and decision-making.
2.Cost-efficiency: With the possibility of reducing or eliminating duty liabilities, advanced rulings can help to lower costs associated with cross-border trading.
3.Compliance assurance: As part of our Advanced Rulings service, we work diligently to ensure all trade activities comply with CBP and CBSA regulations.

Duty Drawback

Duty drawback is a customs mechanism that allows companies to recover customs duties paid on imported materials or components when those materials are subsequently exported in the form of finished goods. This mechanism helps to alleviate the burden of double taxation on imported materials that are incorporated into products destined for foreign markets.

The process typically involves filing a claim with customs authorities, providing evidence of both the importation of materials and the subsequent exportation of finished goods. Once approved, the company can receive a refund or credit for the customs duties paid on the imported materials.

Tariff Classification Analysis

Tariff classification analysis is the process of determining the appropriate tariff classification code for goods being imported or exported. These classification codes are standardized codes used internationally to categorize goods for customs and trade purposes. The correct classification is crucial because it determines the applicable customs duties, taxes, and regulatory requirements.

Free Trade Agreements Reviews

A free trade agreement (FTA) review refers to the assessment and evaluation of an existing free trade agreement between two or more countries or trading blocs. These reviews are typically conducted periodically to gauge the effectiveness, impact, and relevance of the agreement and to identify areas for improvement or modification.

1. Vendor/Shipper Solicitation of FTAs: Our team works with your vendors and shippers to ensure all potential FTA benefits are identified and pursued.

2. Product Qualification Review: We conduct meticulous reviews to verify if your products qualify under specific FTAs, helping you to maximize duty savings.

3. FTA Preparation and Review: Our experts prepare and review all necessary FTA documentation to ensure accuracy and compliance, minimizing risks and potential delays.

Valuation of Goods

Valuation of goods refers to the process of determining the customs value of imported or exported goods for the purpose of assessing customs duties, taxes, and other charges. The customs value is crucial because it forms the basis for calculating the amount of duties and taxes owed to customs authorities.

The valuation of goods is typically based on the transaction value method, which uses the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for exportation, adjusted as necessary to comply with specific valuation rules outlined in the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Customs Valuation.

Pre-verification Compliance Audits

Pre-verification compliance audits refer to audits conducted by regulatory authorities or other entities to assess and verify compliance with regulations, standards, or requirements before a particular action or event takes place. These audits are conducted as a proactive measure to ensure that businesses or individuals meet specified criteria or obligations prior to a specific transaction, process, or event.

Post-Verification Audits

Post-verification audits, also known as post-clearance audits, refer to audits conducted by customs authorities or other regulatory agencies after the release of imported goods into the commerce of a country. These audits are conducted to verify the accuracy and correctness of the information declared by importers or exporters during the customs clearance process.

Special Import Measures Act

The Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) is a Canadian law that provides a framework for investigating and addressing unfair trade practices in the form of dumping and subsidization of imported goods. The act aims to protect Canadian industries from unfair competition by imposing anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imported goods that are found to be dumped or subsidized, thereby causing injury or threatening to cause injury to domestic producers.


Unity Custom Brokers of licensed customs brokers is here to guide you through every part of the Canadian customs clearance process.

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